Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday Morning Sunrise....Sandy River Delta park

This morning, my son came into the bedroom at 4:30 complaining he was having a really bad nightmare about some bad guys robbing us. Just to be safe, I checked out the house. Fortunately, it looked like there was just as much crap in the house as yesterday...perhaps, somehow even a little more???

Anyways, Harry managed to fall back asleep in our bed, but I wasn't quite so lucky. So, I got up and headed out with the camera. I shot these at the mouth of the Columbia River Gorge in a beautiful open area called Sandy River Delta park. It's one of my favorite spots to walk on their trails, or ride the bikes. It's also one of my favorite places to shoot models, portraits, or just some scenery. There wasn't a model around and awake at 5:15 this morning, so I opted to shoot what was readily available. There was a beautiful mist hanging in the valley, which quickly started to burn-off just as the sun started to come up.

All of these were shot on a Canon 5D. Mostly between f/11 and f/16 at 1/125, for those of you who are keeping score at home. 


  1. These are beautiful! There are days I wish I was up this early to enjoy lovely sunrises such as this. :)

  2. Amazing images dude. I have a 5D Mark II. Which button do I push to get shots just like these???

  3. Thanks Terri. I'll call you next time I'm up at 4:30....keep your phone on the nightstand, and I'll keep you on speeddial!

  4. Jim I think on the Mark II, the button is on the top somewhere. Just do what my dad does when he wants to turn down the stereo, and start hitting all the buttons at the same time and have a look of panic on your face...surely something good will come out of that. Happy snapping!
