These images were shot last year for ReadyMade Magazine. This was an article on Jessica Ress, founder of Angel Face Botanicals here in Portland, Oregon. Most of these images never made it to print, so I wanted to share some more stuff from the shoot here.
She's a great girl, who makes some great products -- from salt scrubs to aromatherapy. Hey, even I smelled good after that shoot, which is a telling sign...
Anyways, we had a great afternoon shooting. We shot in all available light (and a even some available wind!) At one point, a giant gust came up and knocked over the Matthews LowBoys and sandbags that were holding up the drop. Thankfully, dear Jessica was upwind of the destruction....
Here is her website: http://www.angelfacebotanicals.com/catalog/
and her blog: http://angelfacebotanicals.blogspot.com/
go check out her amazing products....!
photos: doug hoeschler
h/mu: kimberly hoeschler
Thanks for posting these Doug! I had so much fun with you and Kim that day. The field, the wind, the wildflowers and the ever-changing Portland skylight with your talent all came together for some amazing shots:)